FHS 2400 

Here are two of my assignments I accomplished this semester for FHS 2400.  

Gender Equality.docx Gender Equality.docx
Size : 11.187 Kb
Type : docx
Positive Comments.docx Positive Comments.docx
Size : 11.048 Kb
Type : docx

The whole FHS 2400 Marriage and Family Relations course connected and was in a few cases quite parallel to my other general education classes. These assignments challenged me because this course made me become more open minded into other peoples perspectives on various issues as well as open to different trains of thought or methods of family life.

I found that my belief systems were changing and with that came some inner conflict and struggle. I addressed them by throwing myself into deep thought and tried my very best to visualize myself in the hypothetical situations I had to write about. Which is what worked best for me. I pick these two particular assignments because both have more significant meaning to me than my other assignments. Both demonstrate what I have discussed and once again, are my honest opinions and judgments of my own character.

These assignments signify my personal growth and accumulated knowledge about marriage. As a stay at home, it was extremely interesting to dissect my own life throughout this course, identify with other students in similar roles. The communication skills and risk factors gained throughout this course, will stick with me though the rest of my time at SLCC and within my personal life.


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